Monday, January 26, 2015

Chpt. 5&8 Notes

Depth Clues-

  • perspective distortion: being able to manipulate something so the viewer sees an object a certain way
  • moving the camera at different angles and lengths from subject create perspective distortion
Tonal Variation
  • there are light and dark areas on subject
  • size and position (direction, distance) of light determine tonal variations
  • increasing tonal variation creates more depth to a subject, makes it less flat
Stopping flare
  • nonimaging light can degrade photo
  • keep lens clean
  • lens hood blocks light
Fill lights
  • can fill in shadows, but may create competing shadows
  • shadows on one side of the face can help place light
Broad vs short lighting
  • short is when the light is on the side opposite the visible ear
  • broad is when the light is on the same side as the visible ear
Can use many different light sources to help with hair, glasses or textures

Adding a background light can create a halo, or lit-up effect

Natural light is a good source, early morning or over head sun

gels and lights can determine mood, theme or feelings

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